Leadership Series - Introduction

Leadership Series - a snapshot of defining works on leadership

Lives of great men all remind us
To make our lives sublime
And leaving, leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time…

Leadership has been an existential issue in the world right from its birth and will continue to be one till the end of the world.

It’s a concept that is quite difficult to deconstruct. There are probably as many theories out there as the number of thought leaders. Each, in its own unique way, sounds plausible. However, there always seems to be a mysterious missing piece of the puzzle. Can’t really blame them, ‘coz in this context especially, the whole probably is more than the sum of its parts. The truth is probably still out there, shrouded in mystery.

I would like to invite all of you also to post inspirational stories of leadership, whether your own, people you know, stories of courage or personal strife, stories of victory against the odds or simply stories that you have read and are inspired by. We all can do with a little reminder and a dose of inspiration every now and then.

The Leadership Series is an attempt at collating some of the interesting ideas on leadership and their practical implications.
